Social Media Disclosure

OneFund Investments LLC Social Media Disclosure
Last Updated: July 7th, 2022
Any opinions expressed, statements made, or other information or content uploaded, provided, or displayed (collectively, the “Content”) does not necessarily reflect the views of OneFund Investments LLC, any of its officers, directors, members, employees, subsidiaries, or affiliates (collectively, “OneFund”). Any Content provided should not be construed as, nor is it intended to be, an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, or participate in any investment, or as investment, tax, financial, accounting, legal, regulatory or compliance advice. OneFund is not a registered investment adviser or registered broker-dealer and does not provide investment recommendations or advice of any kind.
While all Content provided by OneFund is believed to be reliable and written in good faith, OneFund makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of any Content.
Investing in private equity and venture capital funds involves a high degree of risk, including a complete loss of investment. Past performance is no guarantee of future results, and any expected returns or hypothetical projections may not reflect actual future performance. Prior to making any investment decisions, you should (i) conduct your own investigation and analysis, (ii) carefully consider an investment’s risk factors, investment objectives and strategy, fees and expenses, and any tax consequences that may result from investing, and (iii) consult with your own investment, tax, financial, accounting, and legal advisors. Please see https://www.onefundinvestments.com/terms-of-service for additional disclosures.
OneFund is not affiliated with any third-party websites or social media platforms (collectively “Social Media”) and has no control over how Social Media uses the information you share. For your own security, you should never communicate or post personal, account or transaction information anywhere that is publicly visible on any Social Media. Please see https://www.onefundinvestments.com/privacy-policy for additional disclosures about how we use the information that you provide OneFund.
Any Content that you post to OneFund’s Social Media should avoid arguing for or against specific securities or investments or discussing investment advice or investment strategies. Do not post any Content to Social Media that predicts or discusses future or current performance, whether positive or negative, of any investment that you currently hold or intend to purchase or sell. Do not post any Content to Social Media that is or could be construed as material nonpublic information or insider information. You should read each Social Media’s privacy policy and terms of service as they apply to your communications.
OneFund reserves the right to remove any Content on our Social Media that we deem to be an investment testimonial, spam, offensive or otherwise inappropriate. OneFund may share or provide hyperlinks to third-party content and may “favorite,” “like,” or “repost” third-party Content. Doing so should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation of any services, products, guidance, individuals, or points of view outside of OneFund. OneFund does not adopt, approve, or endorse any third-party Content posted on its Social Media and any such Content should not be attributed to OneFund. OneFund will not treat any Content posted on Social Media post as a formal complaint or notice. To submit a formal complaint or notice please contact hello@onefundinvestments.com.